mandag 31. januar 2011

Fagerhøi Campschool - february 12th

The second workmeeting was held in Lillehammer, Norway in February on the same dates as Lillehammer hosted the 1994 WinterOlympic games. February in Lillehammer is normally cold,with relativly short days but also with beautiful clear days. The partners brought totally 60 people to Lillehammer , arrived on different datesso the hosts had put up a program lasting from Friday the 5th to Sunday 14th the following week. In Lillehammer the partners got to see the skijumps, have lunch in the frozen river Mesna and slide on " rumpeæsere" .

After having visited Lillehammer and the host school Vargstad vgs the group met up to be transported to Fagerhøi winterschoolcamp for a week of skiing and practising mountain skills.
You can read more about the week at te Camp at

Fagerhøi wintercampschool (  )

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