My name is Svein Hemli, and I am a 17 year old boy from Lillehammer located in Norway.
I go to Vargstad upper secondary vocational school.
the line i go on is electro.
I like and train, and i traning 3 times per week.
I like playing football, and is quite active at that erea.
I'm going to Italy in late October, and I can not wait.
I like to draw pictures, and here is my latest:
And photoshop:

I like to party. and i party almoust every weekend
I live fore myself, 20 miles from my parents. it is wonderful
I also like draw but not always my pictures are beautiful. I live in Spain but I'm not from Spain I'm from Morocco. By Svein I'm Nora.
SvarSlettMy name is Alba and I'm form Spain.
I like so much your pictures and I'm really surprised about that you're living for yourself.
very very good!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Lidia and I'm from Spain. I like your boddy and your face.what's your msn? give me it:)
My name is Salma. I am from Spain. I like your picture. You are a very nice boy. Give me your msn address, please... My address is salma_amigos@hotmail.com. Add me to your contacts...
SvarSlettBye bye
My name is Judit and I'am from Spain. I like you because your picture is very very beautiful. My msn address is judit.maav.95@hotmail.com
SvarSlettBye :)
Hi! I'm Monika and my friend Ola. We live in Poland. You are very nice ;) Bye ... our email is: projekt_szkolny@o2.pl