My name is Per Marius. I'm called Perry with friends.
I live in Norway, in a little town called Øyer.
In Øyer, you can do very much. You can for example go skiing in Hafjell, Bikecycle in Hafjell, many interesting sports, and much more.
The school I am going to is called Vargstad. I have great teachers. I'm going the electronics, and I like it very much.
I like different things.
Like my computer, which I'm spending alot of time with.
My Playstation II, I know that PS3 is much better, but i dont care about it! :D I have better things to buy.
I also drive my moped, and soon I'll get my license. I like to draw a little too, but not som much as I did before.I also jump on my trampoline, and hanging out with my friends.
Now you know some thing about me.
- Per Marius.
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